"Hello Ann! I hope you are enjoying summer! I cant believe it is already the middle of July. I thought I'd send a few
updated pictures. Kirby weighs about 14 pounds now, our last visit to the vet was last week! He is so friendly and loves being
with other dogs and people!! I just love him!" Bridget
"Louise is doing well, she's pretty spunky. We are all enjoying her even the cats! We are busy working on potty training.
Hope all is well with you and your family"
Melissa D.
"Ann, our little man is doing great and growing rapidly. He tipped the scales at 16.6 pounds this week at the Vet's office.
We can't thank your family enough for the job you did in socializing Norm. Every kid in the neighborhood knows who him. He
wiggles and wags his tail whenever anyone gets within a half a block of us on a walk. He sits at the front door for walks,
rings the bells at the back door to go outside, and sits when his food dish is placed in front of him. Once he gets over the
play biting stage he will be perfect!
That is the Norm update for now. Thanks again and we will keep in touch." Roger

"Hi Ann, Hope all is well. Just wanted to sent a few pics of Mikey now at 4 months. He's still a little snuggler, but
I swear he favors my daughter as he has to cuddle up with her every night. He has such a magnetic personality... everyone
he comes in context with just gravitates toward him. Mikey just receive the last of his puppy boosters, rabies, and now scheduling
his neuter for his 6 month birthday... poor guy. But he does great and our Vet loves him always tells us how healthy and lucky
we are. He really is perfect in every way.... smart, healthy, cute, fun, the list just keeps going on.Thank you again."
Danielle & Woitkowski Family
"Ann, Linus is very active and happy, giving us a great amount of joy. I hope your family is also doing well, and thank
you again for introducing us to Linus." John D.
"Just wanted to share these with you now that Hawk is 4 months! He's doing really well, potty training is going great
so far. His best buddy in the house is our one cat, Digger, they play, wrestle and chase each other around! The one picture
is of Hawk and Dig staring out the sliding glass door. We have cows next door which he is quite afraid of but likes to sit
on the cat perch and watch them through the window.Thanks for the great puppy!" Kris
"Hello Ann,Last year my son and I got Sally (Alice) from you. I could not have asked for a better companion for Buzz
my other Beagle. He was so depressed after losing his buddy Gus that I was worried he would not come out of it. Sally
changed all of that - now they constantly play together, and rarely sit apart from each other. She has the most wonderful
temperament, is smart (almost too smart), curious, and one of the most loving dogs I have ever seen. The way she and Buzz
play is of great entertainment for all of my neighbors.Thank you, Mark Andersen"
"Hi. I just wanted to give your family an update. We got Doc (now named Chase)from you 3 weeks ago. He is doing amazing.
After 2 weeks he was completely house broken and responding to come, sit and stay. He has been a great addition to our family.
We couldn't be happier to have him. Tabatha T."
UPDATE: "Thought of you the other day when I was running Abby and I thought I would drop you a line and give you an update
on her progress (feel free to use me as a reference). She started young (ran her first circle at 14 weeks!) and has turned
out to be an outstanding dog! Last winter the conditions were tough, especially towards the end of winter, but she did great.
We shot several in front of her, but that didn't seem to excite her much as she would much rather have the track then a dead
rabbit. She grew into a beautiful dog, long ears and that black saddle really stands out in the snow. Her voice is a combination
of a chop and sometimes a yodel (only way I can describe it) when she gets really hot. Maybe not as melodious as some but
it is loud and carries well. She's high strung and a little tough to wrangle in sometimes, but I guess that's what she was
bred to do. A little faster then what I was hoping (actually she flies!) but I'm sure as time goes on she will slow down
a bit. She will not touch a deer and she's even ran right by them and won't even look at them. That is a blessing! We house
broke her, and even though she stays in an outdoor "condo" she has a lot of house time and loves my grandkids.
Question, are you going to have another litter from either sister this winter? If so, let me know, maybe a little boy this
time. Thanks for listening to my bragging and the Lord's blessings on you and the family." Terry W. and Abby
"Just wanted to tell you guys what happened this week. Live trapped a wild rabbit earlier this week, took it out
in a grassy field and let it go and Abby sight chased it and yipped a couple of times before it ran ought of sight. Good.
Yesterday caught another, took it out to same field and she went nuts, howling and when I let it go she sight chased again
until it was gone, put her nose down and trailed it for maybe 200 feet into a brush pile. My son and I got up there, jumped
the pile, the rabbit shot out and Abby trailed it, howling the whole way for about 250 yards until it ran under an old building
on the neighbors. She had remarkable line control for a pup and never hardly missed a track! Amazing for 14 wks old and
never having hardly seen a rabbit! I'm pumped!!! I've had a lot of beagles and have never seen one that amazing for a first
rabbit. You said they would start early and you were right. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL beagle pup I've ever owned! Excited and Blessed,
thanks and God Bless...Terry W."

" Hi Ann- this is Becky, I bought a beagle from you guys over the summer. She's doing great- literally best dog I've
ever owned. Was wondering are you guys going to be having any more available anytime soon? Here's a picture of her and the
baby. She's so gentle and sweet with him." Becky

"Hi Ann, Ava has adjusted to our home very well. She is getting bigger every day. She loves cuddling on the couch and
finding all the peanuts the squirrels are burying for winter in the yard. Her training is going smoothly, she sits very well
on command now. Andrew"
"Hello and Jean and I hope you are doing well.
We are great, a little on the tired side, but still great. LOL
This puppy has kept us running. We just wanted to take a few minutes to tell you about Penny and how she is doing for
week one.
She is the fourth Beagle to have joined our family over the years. With her and her companion in our home now, we are
back to the two. Now we feel that we can tell when one is a little smarter or that someone has spent some time with them
prior to them coming to our home.
So, a couple of progress levels that we have noted about Penny are really amazing. First, right out of the transport
cage, she was willing to walk on a leash and not pull or fight as most puppies do. She followed without a bit of a problem.
I would be lead to believe that perhaps she had been leash trained by you or your daughter. She is great at that.
Next, we have always trained our dogs to come to the call of a coach's whistle when they are outside. One or two blows
and Penny will be sliding around the corner like she is doing a dog food commercial! LOL We have never had a beagle respond
to the whistle like she has. She is a great learner.
Now, the next one shows she may have had some training as well. She will sit and stay on command. Now we have a rule
that no dogs come into the kitchen when we are cooking and that is the control that is used. Well the first time I sat with
her and our other Beagle, and coached her to sit and stay. So the next day, Jean started to cook and I walked out as Jean
said out of the kitchen and both dogs left. Penny turned around and looked as if she were coming back and Jean said, Sit
and Stay. She sat and never tried to enter the kitchen for about 10 minutes. Now that was discipline.
She also has adapted to the house breaking or potty training as well. In a week, there has only been two times that
she has done anything in the house. She will run to the back door and wait for us when it is time.
She is really smart and easy for learning. We also have out Sister-in-law's cat that is in the home. Sparky does not
go outside, but Penny sure has convince him that the back of the couch is almost an island of safety. LOL
She has not kept us awake one night. She sleeps through the night every night, right in bed with us and Jezzy, our other
beagle. LOL
The most important factor since her arrival is the change in the mood of Jezzy. She has brightened up and she is demonstrating
more energy with the new puppy, so that alone has been worth it all.
I just wanted to say thanks and let you know that she is a fine dog. I will drop a line once in a while just to keep
you up to date.
Then as a final thought that actually was held for this. Thanks to you. You told me everything about Penny up front
and your handling of the transport to Texas allowed us to obtain one fine dog. This was the easiest purchase of a dog that
my wife and I have ever been involved in and that is because of you. You furnished a complete packet of all the paperwork
and even a bag of food. You cannot ask for better service as a purchaser.
So if you have anyone that you would like to show this letter to, feel free and give them our names and phone number,
we would be happy to recommend YOU. Rodger & Jean Norris"

"Hi Ann, We've been meaning to contact you, to say how pleased we've been with "Hope"! My son has re-named
her Bella May Hope. She has been our summer; playing with her, walking her and teaching her some simple commands. We truly
are enjoying her. She has trained easy, and has always seemed to want to go to the bathroom outside. She loves being outside
and loves laying in the grass!
Here are some pictures." Heather

"Hello and hope all is well just wanted to give you some photos in an update. He (Badger/Tartus) is doing amazingly well,
he loves his home and the neighborhood. He can already Sit, Stay, Shake, come (mostly) stand and lay down. He loves his teeth
being brushed which is awesome. He is pretty much housebroken I just have not left him unattended in the house for more than
15 minutes by himself without putting him in his crate. We have had no accidents in quite a while actually so that's great.Alec

UPDATE: "Hello Ann,I just wanted to give you an update on Memphis! He has gotten so big and has grown into such a handsome
dog. He is only 9 months old as of right now. He is behaving pretty well, great with commands, but just a bit strong on the
leash when he gets a scent. We love him though very much!" Taylor S. "Hello Ann, Just emailing you to let you
know how the puppy (Memphis)is doing. He cried a little bit(maybe 30 minutes on and off) on the way home but was pretty good
once we figured out he was hot. He slept for awhile after that and we stopped at subway and petsmart to let him walk around.
He was happy then and playful. He has been really good in the house. He has yet to potty anywhere in the house. He kennels
very well when we are gone for short periods. He doesnt cry or whine. The only time he whines is when he wants to go outside.
Hes been eating good and we got him little rabbit treats and some toys. I have a vet appointment set up for him on the 24th.
Thank you so much for our little angel and Ill keep giving you updates /pictures throughout the years." Taylor S.

"Hi Ann, I wanted to give you an update on Smudge. He was a great little traveler and seems to be settling in well in
his new home. He is definately loving our yard and playing outside but we just had to show you his napping pose. Thanks for
an awsome puppy! I had planned on being up during the night on his first night here, but he slept the entire night!"
Cathy F.
"Hi Ann- just wanted to let you know we re named Abby to Ziggy. She is a handful but is already so loved in our family,
our cats even like her. Thanks again." Becca S.
"I'm really impressed with how smart our Gimli (he was Benny) is! He's learning commands very quickly and we're enjoying
having him here. Here are a couple pictures :) he's 11 lbs now and still a cutie." Greta M.

"I bought Anastasia from you. Wanted to let you know she's doing great. She's very smart and loveable. I enjoy her very
much. I ended up naming her Bailey." Laura D.

"Sassy trailed her first rabbit this morning at 11 weeks old ! Not just yipping but howling. Will try to send video.
Was hoping she would stay a runt, but growing like a weed. Naming her Sassy became a self fulfilling prophecy, but we love
her dearly! She did a wonderful job helping us through our loss." Lorin & Vicki B.
"We bought our beagle about a year ago for our son to learn to rabbit hunt with. Her instincts for hunting have been
amazing, she has for the most part been self taught. At 4 months old, she tracked and brought a rabbit to us in the back
yard. She has determination unlike any of the other 2 rabbit hunting dogs we have had. She not only gets along well with
our children but also our 7 year old black lab. She has been an amazing addition to our family!" Traci & Jeff C.
"When I was searching for a beagle pup for a yard dog the only criteria I required was that is was from hunting stock.
I'm a hunter myself and all my dogs even my companion dogs have always been a hunting breed of one sort or another. To my
delight I got way more than I anticipated from the butler's in the form of a female beagle pup I call "Dottie".
Dottie proved very early in life that she was extremely intelligent and very gamey. I'm not much of a rabbit hunter, however
Dottie was a yard dog and was rarely if ever kenneled so she had plenty of "self" exploration of the local wildlife.
Among other things she first began running her first rabbits at about 3 months of age. She did so on her own all summer long
and hen I finally got around to tagging along with her we bagged out in less than an hour. She's a great dog to have around.
The kids love her and play fetch with her and she puts a smile on my face almost every day."
Brandy E.

Ruger and Tikka |
Just wanted to let you all know the puppies are doing great. We named them Mountaineer Ruger and Tikka. They ran their first
Rabbit today and did a good job for their first one. These are the easiest pups we have started yet. They have a lot of hunt
and are very independent. I have to carry treats with me to get them to come but they are starting to listen better."
Richard H.

Little Man |
2/26/17: "Hi Ann !! Hoping all is well with You Guys over there !! Just wanted to touch base and let you know that our
Little Man is really a wonderful Guy so sweet and loving just a great disposition he has !!! We are wondering if you have
any Female Beagle Puppies or a litter coming that would not be related to Our Little Man. Thanks." Angie & Vern