"Hi Ann, Just thought I would say that Maverick is doing amazing and is such a sweet boy. He must have gotten Rascals
temperament because he is calm and loves meeting new people without barking! Here are some pictures of him with our other
newest addition. Maverick loves to cuddle him" Allie
"Hi Ann! Hope your Christmas was all you wanted it to be. What a couple of weeks Rip has had! Traveling from Wisconsin
to West Virginia. Then four days later we drove to NC. I cannot get over how well he travels! I'm going to really enjoy having
a companion on my journeys. He's been great in the crate. Sleeps through the night. Loves to get ALL his toys out of his basket
at once ... not one to put things back, but I bet he can be trained to do so. He did very well with my grandchildren and
they fell in love with him. He will play fetch as long as someone will throw to him. He's doing well with house training.
Thank you for everything. " Trudi B.
" Ann, I wanted to let you know what an excellent job you did with Mojo and that he is doing wonderful! He had his routine
vaccination/vet check up yesterday and the vet mentioned what a great job the "breeder" did with him! The vet actually
stated "he is just perfect". He is 6.78 pounds, is growing like crazy and very smart. He has known his name for
almost 2 weeks now and also recognizes "no", "no bite", and "enough". I'm training him with
the device he needs to place either his nose or paw on that rings a bell to let me know he needs to go outside. We've been
working on that since the day I brought him home. However, the ornery part of him sometimes rings it just to get to go outside.
He's also doing well with fetch, sit and "right" or "left" depending on which paw I want. The vet stated
she told him to sit and he immediately wanted to shake her hand. We have several "discussions" when disciplined
as we both want to have the last word. He has the cutest way of looking at me and "talking" to me in a very low
growl-type sound.
He is the best Christmas present I've ever gotten. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!" Vicky A.
"Hi Ann, Merry Christmas! I thought I would share this picture of Nyx with you. They took it at the vet last week. "
Kelly L.
"Hi Ann, This is my Zander! He is loved and spoiled and I am still so very grateful that I was the lucky one to adopt
him. He enriches my life with his happy personality and playful antics. My entire family adores him. I hope you and your
family are well." Barb

"UPDATE:Hi Ann, I wanted to send you some recent pictures of our sweet Theo, soon to be seven months old. Can't begin
to express the joy he has brought us and how much fun we're having raising and training him. He is very smart. He weighs
about 14 lbs and everyone says he is so cute and has such great markings.I hope all is well with you and your family.
With best regards," Catherine
"Hi Ann, It has been exactly one week that we drove away from your beautiful ranch with our Theo. This week has
been wonderful fun for all three of us. He is so cute and funny and is very smart and inquisitive. He is adjusting very well
and has met several neighbors and their dogs with great success.
His vet visit on Tuesday went well. Do you need any documentation on this for your records?
Thought you would enjoy some of the many pictures that we have taken this week. I have a cute video of his first experience
with his Kong toy. Too cute Thanks again for taking such good care of him for the first two months of his life. So important.
All best wishes to you and your family and thank you for everything"
Peter and. Catherine D
UPDATE:"Xena is doing so well! She is such a little lover. We had to board her for one night just last weekend (her first
time) and the comments by staff were not too surprising: Xena is so sweet and cuddly, Xena is so cute, Xena is such a sweetie.
She is so funny, interested in every noise and movement and follows us everywhere, and she is the smartest dog we've ever
had.Thanks and the Lord's blessings" Jeannine F.
"Hi Ann, I'm finally getting an email off to you - been pretty busy with our new addition to the family :) Tom and
I were so pleased to meet you all! It was a joy being among believers. We are having so much fun with this little girl,
our gift from Him! We think she's just a doll. We love her disposition., including her spunky attitude :) Xena truly has
both her parent's traits - she's very loving and affectionate and never meets a stranger, gets very excited when seeing and
meeting new people, doesn't bark much and she's already bringing her toys back to me. She is adjusting to her new life well!
When Tom comes into view, she just squeals and strains to get to him so she can be cuddled and kiss on him. It's really
great how they get along! She is doing well at housetraining and is excellent in her crate, plays a lot and takes great naps.
The first night in her new home went well. She slept in her crate next to our bed, woke up at 2 and not again until 5:30
am, so I was very happy with that. She now sleeps till 4 or 5 am and might go back to sleep until 6 am after going outside.
Her crate gets moved around the house throughout the day, depending on what I've got going on. She has fun watching the
squirrels through the patio door and will even watch TV :) She hasn't graduated to her dog bed for relaxing yet - she's much
too active for that!
She did really well with her visit to the vet (who has a miniature schnauzer herself), who said she's beautifully healthy!
The staff absolutely adored her and will be posting her picture on their Facebook Page :) I'll send it to you when it gets
put up. She was 4.4 pounds at the time and we can definitely tell that she's growing...might need to adjust the divider in
her crate in the near future.
Thanks to all of you for raising such a beautiful and delightful dog - you did a wonderful job! Not surprisingly, one
of her favorite things is lying on her back and having her tummy tickled and rubbed. She even sleeps that way sometimes.
:)" Jeannine F.
"Hi Ann, Hope all is going well with you and your family. Here are a few pictures of Stanley. We LOVE him." Tracy
"Hi Ann, Just wanted to let you know that Addie is settling in great! She is super curious, fearless, and sweet. She
loves my other schnauzer (Clark) and he is warming up to her as well. I appreciate the time you spent socializing her and
preparing her to come home with me! Thanks!! " Marissa
"Hi Ann, Wanted to let you know Jürgen is doing very well. He's been great crate training and doing well with the potty
training. Everything checked out just fine at the vet. He fits into our family perfectly and everyone is loving him!"
Melissa B.
"Hello there! It was so nice to meet you and your family on Saturday! Starling has been doing REALLY well! She's very
playful and sweet. She definitely keeps the kids on their toes, which is great! : ) Her transition has been seamless - she's
happy, spunky, and cuddly and she hasn't had any tummy issues. We've been putting her in the crate at dinner time and then
at bedtime. She whines for a short time but does really well after a few minutes. Thank you again to you and your family for
taking such great care of her. I just can't tell you enough how grateful we are for all of the hard work, discipline and love
you've given her. You have really set her up for success! Please tell your family thank you for us - I can't imagine how hard
it is to part with these sweet pups!" Rebecca R.
UPDATE "Hi Ann, thought you'd like to see an updated picture of Maddie. We just love her." Melody B.
"Hi Ann, Maddie had her visit to the vet today, and came through with a good report. The vet credited how well she
is doing to your awesome care in raising the puppies. She has gained a pound, and because of the training that you provided
the vet said she is advanced. If any person purchasing a future puppy wants a testimony, I'll gladly provide one. The other
thing I want to share is I didn't realize you had two daughters. The daughter that was on the videos with Maddie is the one
I thought we met on Friday. I didn't realize she wasn't. Thank her for all her work she put in Maddie and thank you as well
we are so happy with her. I'm afraid she is spoiled already!! By the way the vet posted a picture of Maddie on their Facebook
page because she is so beautiful." Melody B.
Hi Ann -One year ago today, my precious girl was brought into the world with the care and love of you, Ann, and your family.
Oscar and Zoe did well! Stella Raeann has brought so much joy to my life and everyone she meets. She loves meeting new people
and any four-legged animal she encounters. She absolutely loves going for walks, does very well on obedience training and
is so incredibly smart. She is especially happy to lounge on the couch at night keeping me company. Thanks, once again,
for the thoughtful breeding you did to produce an amazing Miniature Schnauzer who I love more than words can say.Blessings
to you today and keep up the great work you do!
Rebecca J.(Stella's Mom)
Hi Ann - Checking in with the status. All-in-all, things are going well. Stella has slept through the nights starting
her third day here. Yeah! She is doing really well on potty training. Only a few accidents but most are my fault for thinking
she is further along than she is. But she is starting to give me signals when she needs to go out so that's good. She loves
doing her obedience training, mainly because she is treat motivated. She does Sit, Down, Stay and Come. She's a fast learner.
There are a few things she tries to get away with but we are working on those. ;-) As you can see from the third photo,
she still loves the purple toy you sent her with. The scrunchy egg toy is used outside and she still loves that one. Thanks
for sending those along! Toys and chew items are my friend. Stella has become very popular in my neighborhood. She gets
so much attention from people walking by and everyone thinks she's adorable. Depending on the time of the day, the sidewalk
is bustling with activity which is fun but distracts her from doing her business ;-) She is such a cutie and her coloring
is so striking. She'll be 12 weeks this Sunday and she actually just went through a noticeable growth spurt. Feels like
it happened overnight. Taking her to the vet on Tuesday for her booster shots and curious what she will weigh. Will be interesting
to see what size and weight she gets to full grown. Anyway, wanted to send you the updates and thank you and your family for
raising such a good girl. She is doing great! Take care," Rebecca J.
"Hi Ann, just wanted to let you and Nora know that little Gordon is doing great! He's adjusted well and gets along with
our older boxer. I think he is growing already too! He's been to the pet store for more toys, met several of our neighbors,
and we are signed up for puppy class. :)
Thanks so much for all you do! Merry Christmas"
Mary and Jim
"Hi Ann, Just wanted to drop a quick line to let you know all is going well. Please let Nora know we decided to name
Iggy, Maddi. She is doing great and transitioned to her new surroundings with ease. She rocked puppy socialization class.
Maddi loves to help in the garden and collect sticks. Though her gardening skills do need some fine tuning, since she loves
to dig and eat all the strawberries! It took me awhile to figure out what critter was eating all the berries faster than
I could pick them. She also loves to "tree" robins and has howled a few times while doing so. We have never heard
a schnauzer howl before. Maddi LOVES people, I've never had a dog that gets so excited to meet someone new. Everyone we have
met has commented on how well behaved and how calm she is when exposed to new things. We always pass the credit to Red Fever
Ranch. Kuddos to your breeding program! Attached are a couple of photos. One is of Maddi after "working" in the
garden, her favorite pastime. The other hanging out with her pal, my daughter's standard schnauzer, Zora. A big thank you
to you and your family for raising such a super sweet pup. She brings us much joy and puts a smile on our face everyday!
Hope all is going well for you!" Kim S.
"Shawn is doing great and 10 lbs now. We are still working on potty training. I'm going to start some puppy training
soon and since he got a rabies shot yesterday I'm going to get him licensed and join a dog park so he can socialize with other
dogs. Take care," Jean
"Hi Ann, I just wanted to let you know we named Lilly Ava and she has been wonderful! She slept through the night last
night and I peaked in the kennel at 5:30 this morning and she was awake just waiting for someone to let her out. She had a
busy afternoon playing with the neighbor kids and is exhausted! She is so sweet and just loves to be held, just what I was
hoping for, she is perfect!" Diane E.
"Hi Ann! We just wanted to let you know that Livvy is doing great! She has a wonderful temperament is making friends
in the neighborhood. We go on long walks to the park and she does great on the leash. She also sleeps through the night in
her crate with no crying! Thanks again!" Stacy and Alok
"Regarding Kermit: What a happy and very active, healthy pup! He makes me laugh all of the time. Initially his name
was Rufus but because he is so happy, he will have the strange name of Roofie. Obviously I'm not good at naming dogs... ha"
Mary H.
"Ann, this is just a quick note to let you know that Izzy is doing well and growing. She has been a hit with our grandchildren.
We can't say enough how impressed we are with your family style of raising your schnauzers! Again, thank you!!!!" Stan
& Kathie
"Rex had his first vet visit and everything is good. 7.1 lbs. So far Rex likes people and gets along with other dogs.
Rex knows his name and sits for his food. Will know more when puppy class starts July 9th. We are enjoying Rex very much
with more good days than challenging days. It was a pleasure meeting you and your family - your husband and you are doing
a great job. Have a great summer.Thanks again." Jim and Marlene
"Good Morning Ann, I hope that I am not boring you or interrupting your busy lives too much. If I am, just ignore
my emails because I feel compelled to write. And there are reasons for that. I don't meet too many people who really impress
me. Most of the time I'm disappointed in them.. But you are one person, who has gotten a lot of brownine points from me
put behind her name because of how I see you when it comes to dogs. I always say that if one wants to know the character of
a person just look at how they treat God's littlest of creatures. And because you are so caring and conscientious with your
dogs that says a lot of good things about you. One can see that same kind of diligence in the imparting of life skills that
make for well adjusted lives of those who are in your care. Take Grover for an example. Despite being a wee bit of a runt,
he has the confidence of a BIG DOG. He has more curiosity about things that are new than all (3) of my other dogs had, when
put together. He's not a fearful dog. But he's no fool or impulsively rash either. He's cautious first, observes, then
thinks about it and makes a decision to move in for more or not move in. That may becuase of such things as the NEURAL STIMULATION
TECHNIQUES that you've done. Ah, thanks too for acclimating him to a CRATE, as a quiet and positive sanctuary. I can't tell
you how much that has helped both him and us. We had a legal negotiations conference that was to last quite long and so we
had to take him with us and not leave him in the hot car to bake. We took him right into the meeting where his crate sat in
the back of the room. He made not one peep the whole time. This is how we take him to town now. And he seems to be perfectly
happy or okay with it. We just let him out here and there to poop and pee and water him and snuggle. I can't tell you how
much that helps clients like me and how much it helps Grover as well. It was like one of the first moments of being impressed
by you..And it had to do with the CARE TRAVEL BAG that you gave to each of your customers to help them with your pups. How
thoughtful I said when I saw the soft little blankey with your daughter's scent of it, plus the familiar food and all the
other things in it. It said without saying it how much you wanted your pups to have happy and successful lives and adjust
well to their new homes. And anyone who cares that much is someone special to me as well. He now does not go out for bathroom
duties in the middle of the night anymore. Nor has he ever pooped or peed in his bedroom closet that is next to our bed.
He just sits and waits for us to get up or he whines if he has to go. HIs 8 poops a day have gone down to 4 or 5. And because
we're giving him slightly less dog food but more tiny treats his swollen belly and passing stinky gas has gone away. We do
LURE TRAINING to get him to put his focus on us. And he now sits on command at the door, waits for us to open the door and
pass through and then say "come" before he too passes through. He also now sits on the other side of the door,
while we make sure that the door is closed. That was important because if he rushed through the heavy door could hit him and
break some bones. He also is starting to ring the bells on his door to his outside potty area to let us know when he has to
do outside. I remain in great admiration of how much love and study you have put into your pups. I am forever grateful."
Cristi C.
"Hi Ann, Theo is doing so great. We love his personality and thank you so much for the wonderful dog he is becoming.
Sadly, we lost our 8 year old West Highland Terrier to cancer last week. Theo is Lost without her." Margaret H.
" Hi Ann, I hope you and your family are doing well. Oscar is amazing! He is around 15 lbs and is full grown. Meeting
you and your children and picking up Oscar was such a special memory for all of us. One of my neighbors has a daughter that
lives in Madison. I shared your name with her. She and her husband have a mini schnauzer and are considering a second. Anyway,
Merry Christmas to you and your family. Please feel free to use us as a reference." Jay & Mimi
"Hi Ann, Our dog Tuffy and Oscar (Hudson) get a long very well. Occasionally Tuffy leaves the room because he needs
space! Oscar and our cat get along nicely too. I just wanted to send you and the family a picture of Oscar's first haircut
and first Easter too! We love him so much and he is such a wonderful addition to the family! He just lost his tiny little
two front teeth yesterday! Thanks," Jay & Mimi
"Hi Ann, Here are some up date pictures with Parker his new brother Parzival they love each other as you can see.. We
just went to vet to get shots again. next visit in 3 wks..Had visit to my pet groomer ( Sandy ) in Whitehall she loved
him had nails done made appt. To get all groomed up ..Just want to thank you again." NORMA
"Hi Ann, we are thoroughly enjoying Finn! We appreciate all your hard work that goes into raising healthy, intelligent,
adaptable, friendly and congenial puppies - and Finn has proven to be all of those adjectives. He has met all our children,
grandchildren (ages 6, 4,3 & 2 years) and other family dogs (a labradoodle and 2 morkies) and every introduction was delightful!
He has quietly slept through the night (10:30 to 7:00) in his crate since day one. We had him to the vet yesterday and he
is 8.2 lbs. Potty training is going very well. He is a very affectionate snuggler and kind of talks to us; (I think you mentioned
something similar about Emme) first thing in the morning when we get him out of his crate and anytime we are separated from
him for any length of time - its so sweet! We are so happy we found you, your family and your puppies! Finn is a great addition
to our family - thank you!!!" Katie & Bob
"Hi Ann, thought I would send you some pictures that I took of Emmy now that I know how to share pictures from my camera.
She loves to snuggle - usually laying on her back in my lap. When I took her to the vet on Nov. 15th for her rabies shot
she weighed 12 lbs. 4 ozs. Everyone thinks she is the cutest dog and of course I agree. I've had 2 people already ask me
what breeder I got her from. Thanks. Helen"
"Ann, I really can't thank you enough for all the work and time you spent with my Gunther. You and your girls have spent
a lot of time working with him and socializing him, and it shows. I didn't ever think I'd find as nice a one as my last schnauzer,
but I think this guy has him beat. He is so smart, and such an affectionate pup......he expects a lot of love, but has a
lot of love to give in return. Thanks again so much for all you've done, and all of your patience with me. I'd be happy
to give a reference to anyone." Joe B.
"This a 5 star review for red fever ranch mini schnauzers! I am so pleased with my little Eva. She is truly a sweet
and gentle soul. You have gone way above and beyond any breeder I have dealt with. Eva has been a complete joy. No accidents
and has went right in her crate and slept all night from day 1. I would recommend your schnauzers to anyone looking for a
great dog. God Bless your family and all your animals. A truly satisfied customer." Fran.
"Hi Ann, I don't know how we survived the last 14 years without a dog! Badger has us well trained and there is never
a dull moment. He absolutely loves running free in the back yard changing his race track and obstacle course daily. He is
over 18 pounds now and has ben neutered and dew claw removed. Badger is extremely smart, very cute, strong, has several voices,
loves everybody, and yes, at times he can show independence. A minute later he is up in your lap. He absolutely destroys
all his toys. Sharon must sew up 2 a day. But he does not chew on clothes, furniture, or anything else. He loves plastic
bottles but they only last a couple minutes now before he starts to shred them. But SO FUN to watch him play with them.
Got a round frisbee ring that is pretty tough and he loves retrieving it and at times playing keep away. Sharon treats him
like one of her babies. He is just a bundle of joy and we love him to pieces. We could not be happier. Thank You for such
a good job creating Badger for us.Don & Sharon"
"Hi Ann! Thanks for all you did to get Badger off to such a great start. He is almost completely trained, has stopped
trying to pick up every leaf he sees, sleeps well, plays hard, loves walks (but does not like to get his feet wet and does
not like to go out in the rain!), and is a great companion. He really loves to smell flowers, so you must have a lot of beautiful
flowers at your place." Don & Sharon
"Hi Ann, I hope you and your family are well. I wanted to send some pictures of Ellie and tell you how much we love her.
She has grown so much since we brought her home. She is such a good girl. She has such long legs. I work here at home and
she sleeps right next to my desk all day. She loves to dig and comes in with a brown beard and mud in her toes. I have never
had a dog that tolerates bath time like Ellie. She hops right in the tub and lets me wash her off without jumping out of the
tub. She carries her puppy blanket around the house all the time. She is so smart. She obeys many commands and she gives hugs.
Take care, Leslie"
"Hi Ann, Here are a few pictures of Ellie. She is such a good girl. She is definitely a mommas girl. She follows
me around everywhere. She hardly barks except for at the neighbors dogs. She has sniffed out every gopher hole in our yard.
She is so sweet and she fits right in to my crazy family. Take care, Leslie"
"Hi Ann, just wanted to give you an update on "Sissy." She is such a delight. The perfect little angel. I
had her to the vet, she is in perfect health and he said he was tempted to slip her in his pocket and take her home. :)
She is pretty well potty trained. Only a few accidents. She runs to the door when she needs to go out. She has never had
an "off" moment. She has done extremely well with the transition to my home, and acts like this has been her home
her whole life. Everyone here just loves her. I will keep you updated. Thank you so much!" Pattie
"Hi Ann & Family, Just a short note of Thankyou! Gracie is well underway to a Positive bonding process with Jayme
and our Family. :-) She also now paws at the back patio door when she needs to go out. In other words, NO drips - NO runs
- NO errors, just a GREAT little girl making herself at HOME. :-) Extremely intelligent little girl. We are blessed to
find her and the Family that raised her to this point!! Thankyou, You did an EXCELLENT job!!" Ted
"Hi Ann. I just wanted to show you what she looks like now. She's still the best dog ever. Also, next Summer we will
likely be ready to get Muffy a little brother from you." Thanks. Richard
"Hi Ann. Hope you are well. Muffy has been a joy. I wanted to send you a few of her pics. Also, let me know next
time you plan to have another Schnauzer litter, people ask us all the time where we got her and when there will be more.
Thanks! Richard"
Just wanted to say thanks again for such a great dog! Muffy has been awesome this past week. She is so sweet and fun.
She doesn't bark when we come home, people come over or when she sees people on the street (she just shakes her body and looks
like she is going to bark but never does)--the only time she barks is when another dog barks at her but then she waits til
the dog starts walking away and then she will let out two little yelps. Also, she sleeps through the night in her crate without
whining or having to go out to pee (we sleep for 7 hours). Oh, and she loves sleeping on her back. She doesn't bite either.
Lastly, I just brought her to the vet today and she is in perfect health. I've attached a couple pics of her and I'll send
you more as she grows.Once again, thanks so much!! Richard"
"Hi Ann, Just a quick update on how Pennie is doing. She is such a fantastic puppy! We have been so impressed with
how well adjusted she is, she has never shown any aggression or unnecessary fear. She graduated puppy class and goes to the
trainer for the day once a week to play and practice, everyone there loves her too :) She has a Cairn terrier there who is
her best friend and she comes home nice and tired. She was spayed in November and is all healed up and back to her silly
fun self. Loving life and her toys especially. Anyway just wanted to send a few pictures and let you know how well everything
is going. Hope you are all doing great and having a wonderful new year!" Lucy
"Hi Ann I just wanted
to give you an update on how Pennie is doing since it has been a month. She is fitting right in! She is so stinking smart
and quick to learn, we have started puppy classes and she has impressed our trainer :) She loves to play with her sisters
and they have even warmed up to her and enjoy having her around. I attached some pictures. Matt and I just wanted to say thank
you for raising such a great little puppy! I can't remember what is was like before we had her. Thanks again Lucy, Matt,
Pennie, Sadie and Winnie"
"Hi Ann, Pennie is such a good little puppy! Drove home perfectly,
slept all night. She hasn't had a single accident. She is learning her name and how to come when called and even sat a few
times on command, I think she's just imitating her sisters. Settling in with the older ones, she pushed the line with them
a bit but she quickly learned her place without any major conflict. She already enjoys her kennel and has no problem going
in it, we have been practicing having her nap in there this morning. Here are a few pictures, I will continue to keep you
posted occasionally if you would like.Thank you again so much! Lucy"
"Ann, Yesterday was the longest day for me.... Waiting to hold baby Z. But after Randy go home with him, his feet never
touched the floor. I couldn't get enough of him. We sat and watched TV together and he was using his toy as a pillow and covered
with his blanket. He is so cute. This morning I was getting ready for the day and he followed me from room to room. He even
attacked the killer sock I dropped. Such a little protector already. Just wanted to thank you again.Thank you, Baby Z, Theresa
and Randy"
"Hello Ann, Thought I should drop you a line about our little "Nora" that's what we settled on for a name.
She has been a wonderful little puppy. Had no problems with the crate up once the first night went out to potty then back
into crate, has slept from 10pm to 6 am, since without having to go out . She plays hard and then sleeps about an hr. We are
smitten with her! Working on leash training for outings, so far she doesn't like it, I will be shopping for a halter as ours
is way to big for her.
It was a pleasure to meet you and your lovely children.
Thank You, Dave and Terri S."