Puppies From Past Litters
BLUE KNIGHT - 2007 Litter |
Sully from the 2006 litter |
Cooper - Ruby x AJ litter |
Koda - Ruby x Marley litter |
WALLY from the 2012 litter |

Ruby Jo - Ruby x AJ litter |
RYDER from the 2006 litter |
Jack, one of the Black tris from the 2006 litter |
Calli (front) from the 2006 litter, and Blue E (back) from the 2007 litter |
Blue G, from the 2007 litter |
Some Tri Pups from the 2006 litter |
Oakley - Ruby x AJ litter |

Annabelle - Ruby x Marley litter |
Sydney and Honey - 2011 litter |
What others had to say about their Red Fever Ranch Aussie Puppy:
UPDATE:"I just wanted to give you update on Koda! He doing great! Can’t believe he 6 months already. He growing
so fast too. He is Super smart and makes training him so easy. We love him so much. Everyone who sees him says he Beautiful
dog and has beautiful markings. Koda loves walks and running around with the girls. He loves car rides and going to school
to pick up the girls. He waits and looks out for them in the car. He also loves all squeaky toys. I wanted to send you some
updated pictures too.Thanks again"
"Hi Ann, Koda had his vet check up today for his booster. He did great . Great health and He is 12lb today. The
vet looked over all Koda's stuff said he came from a great breeder. He is such a good boy. " Tammy
Hi Anne, here are some more pics of Copper from the past couple of months! He's been great and starting obedience class next
week! Thanks, Erin
Ann, Hi Ann and family, I hope that you're all well. We are loving and enjoying Ruby very much!! She's already been to
our vet and is doing great!! Our vet loved the records you kept and said that you took great care of Ruby. Which we already
knew. Amazing reviews for you! Thank you again for Ruby, Terri and family
Ann, Attached are some photos of Annabelle! It will be a year on February 23 that we picked her up from you. She is an
absolute sweetheart! Dave and I can't imagine life without her. She is very good with our grandchildren. She has a new favorite
blanket, and her pink squeaky ball is also a favorite. We have taken her snowshoeing with us several times this winter, and
she loves it! We have also introduced her to doggy day care and loves it. She is very intelligent and affectionate. Everyone
loves her! We hope all is well with you and your family.Take care,
Barb & Dave
Ann, Thank you again! Murphy has been an amazing addition to our family. After 4 weeks he was potty trained. He has learned
to sit. We are still working on come, he get easily distracted by the birds and squirrels we have in our yard. So far, he
has stayed within the boundaries of the yard. He is a snuggle pup too. I hope all is well. Jennifer S.
From the 2013 Litter:
1/17: "Hi, this is Mark. We purchased a pup from you a few years back. His name was Emmit if you remember. Just want
you to know, he is my BEST friend and a perfect dog! I have hundreds of pictures if you would like to see, just let me know."
Mark S.
9/2013: "My husband would never admit it but I think he likes Charlie. He is at the office with me today. I don't
have any appointments so I thought it would be a good day for him to hang out with me here and be in the air conditioning.
He has become loved in the rodeo circuit. Everyone knows Charlie. He is such a happy dog and loves playing with kids, adults
and other dogs. We are blessed. I'll send you more pictures from time to time so you can see how he is growing. I'm thinking
he is going to be big!" De Anne C.
From the 2010 Litter
UPDATE 3/26/10: Hello Ann and Aubrey, I thought I would drop you a line to let you know Jacoby is doing great. He adjusted well to sleeping under Mike's arm last night and has
been a good boy going pottty outside, Mike has overnight duty. The only time he cried is when Mike left for work but
quickly cuddled up in Mike's T-shirt and went back to sleep between me and Sully. Sully has proved to be a gentle brother
even when Jacoby tried nursing :-) They played in the yard this morning and are now both in the office with
me taking a morning nap. I feel I will have another buddy to keep me company since I work from home. We will keep
you updated. Thanks again for the wonderful addition to our family, K.M.
UPDATE 4/1/10: King Richard has been renamed Dingo Wallaby. He loves the elmo sleeping bag we put in the big crate we have for him. He held his
potty all night long too. Very good boy! We have been walking all around our place
without him on a leash and he is sticking by someone. He loves running after our 4 yr old Harrison. Harrison is also very
possesive of him as well. It seems to be going really well. He is a great puppy. Even my husband is enjoying him much more
than he thought he would. Dingo is a wonderful family dog already. H.H.
4/10/11: Hello Aubrey and Ann,Attached are photo's of Trigger born on January
26, 2010. Who's name is now actually Jake. My wife has nicknamed him the "Monster". He is her baby.
He is everything that you described in his original write up. Enjoy!! M & K. D
UPDATE 1/2/10:
I seen you had more puppies on the way so I thought I would send you some pictures
of Heidi (2009 litter)and let you know she is doing great. She has a good personality. A little shy at something new but gets
over it quick. Vary stong minded when she wants something she lets you know it.Example if she needs to go outside at
3AM she will make sure you get up lol. She is a Dog who loves to touch you. she will lay at your feet and put a paw
on top of your foot or set her chin on there. She loves to go for rides on a 4 wheeler , play in water and
fetch anything you throw. I am vary happy with her. Thank you R.C.
UPDATE 10/8/09:
I have pictures of the puppy we got from you in May. He has grown!
The kids named him Bandit and we absolutuely love him! He is definitely a people dog and loves to play ball and be with
our family, which is exactly what we were hoping for. It took him a little while to get use to the pigs, but now
he is quite comfortable with them. Aubrey was right about the coyotes also, he has been barking at night when he hears
them. So, everything is going great and I just thought you'd like to know how he was doing. Thanks
again! L.P.
UPDATE 2/9/10: Shadow is now just about 11 months old and what a treat she
is. Smart as a whip too. She was helping my husband with bulls
the other day. She loves to ride in a vehicle. She also really likes squirrels. She's tried making friends with the horses and she loves
to play with kids. She is a great companion and also a wonderful watchdog. I have included a picture of her as
we do keep pampering her and getting her hair cut. She is great at the groomers and they all love her there. If
it's after dark before my husband gets home, she's constantly checking out the window until we are both safe and sound in
the house. She's quite the dog! K.S.
UPDATE 5/28/09: I sent you some pictures of Shadow, but wanted to let
you know that she has about doubled in size since those were taken. She is growing by leaps and bounds and is very smart.
She has learned to go to the door for the bathroom and to sit. She loves being outside with our 2 older dogs and has
already let them know that she is ruler of the roost when she is out there. She likes being outside but loves to come
in the house at the end of the day and spend the night with us. She also loves to ride in the vehicle. She has
gone with Pete just about everywhere he goes for the past couple of days. She is a joy to have and keeps us hopping.
I will send you updated pictures soon. K.S.
UPDATE 10/1/09: Lady is doing very well...frisbeing, playing
coyote ball, and is a very quick learner. She has many many dog "friends" at the parks where she runs!
Can't remember what it was like without her in our family/extended family. J.M.
UPDATE 5/23/09: Just wanted to let you know how well Lady is doing. She is an awesome
puppy! She already goes to the door when she needs to go outside and stays at my side while out there...well except for some
ants that she likes to play with!
She is beautiful and sweet. She is getting along great with my 12 year old Cocker
Spaniel Rosey and my cat Misty.
I will keep you updated and send some pictures as she grows. J.M.
Update 9/13/09: Hi Ann, So, I did
my first "unofficial" agility competition with Blue at the Washington County Pet Expo this year. We did the course with the
16" jumps first and then the 20" jumps. He was up against about 10 dogs in each and took first in both! I can't wait to compete
with him "officially". Enjoy the photos. C.G.
UPDATE: 2/7/09: Blue is doing wonderfully! We are still amazed by him each day! He
is so full of love! The 5 cats have all finally gotten use to him & he's still as gentle as can be with them. During March
of last year, I started agility with Blue, & within 4 months he was invited into the Advanced agility class. So, we continue
to go one day per week. Maybe this summer, I'll think of attempting a competition with him. We passed the Canine Good Citizen
Class. When we go for walks, I walk with him off leash, and he stays in a perfect heal...even if other barking dogs are passing
us. People are amazed by him! My students still love when I bring him to school
because they enjoy seeing all of the tricks and training that he knows. Their favorite is when I say, "Give me 5, Give me
5 other paw, & then Give me 10!" He jumps up and smacks me a high 10. I can't believe how easy he is to train...he soaks
up words we didn't even intend to teach him. It's like talking to a human sometimes. Thanks so much for giving me such an
amazing friend! My husband and I are so in love with him. He loves the sun, the snow, the water, & pretty much everything!
We take him everywhere with us! UPDATE: 7/31/07:"Blue is doing amazingly!
From day 1 he has been so patient with our cats, only interacting with them as much as they will allow for him to. He
has taken a special liking to our cat Sophie who you saw eating out of his food dish with him. Our whole neighborhood
knows him and loves him, and they cannot believe how he does not even bark at them when they pass by for a walk. He
already finished puppy class with flying colors, and is now the youngest one in the Basic class. Blue soaks everything
up like a sponge and loves to learn new things. He’s only just over five months but can sit, lie down, wait, stay,
shake, heal, jump, stay off, come, get it, bring it, give it, drop it and puts himself into his kennel each night when he
is ready for bed. In basic class, he is always a step or 2 ahead of the other dogs even though they are all much older
than him. The instructor can never use him to demonstrate what we are learning because he is usually too good at doing
it. He loves all people and all dogs! At night, he likes when I lie on the floor and tell him to come cuddle,
and then he curls right up against me. I know everyone says Aussies are supposed to be full of energy and wild, but
everyone who meets Blue cannot believe how mellow and well-behaved he is. We took him for a weekend up to Eagle
River to our friend’s lake house, and he was the favored dog of
all the dogs there. He got used to going in and out of the water while he was there. We love Blue so much, that
I am considering another Aussie down the road….maybe a little girl. So, keep us in mind in the future if you have
more batches coming."
UPDATE:"I'm writing
to give you an update on Blue. We are absolutely in love with him. Everyone stops to talk to us because they can't believe
how beautiful and mellow he is. Blue is so spirited, smart, and gentle. From day one, he has been wonderful with my five cats.
He was kennel trained while we sleep at night the very first night. He lasts the whole night without going to the bathroom
in his kennel. He trains easily and is always eager to please....he's only had three accidents in the house and is still learning
the "Can I go outside?" routine. He never pulls me on his leash and walks right near my left heel. He's excellent at coming
to me when I shout, "Come Blue!" Blue also comes to my fifth grade classroom where I teach. He loves children and people!
My husband and I are so glad we ended up with such a wonderful puppy" C.G.
"Quigley is doing just wonderful. He is so
smart and so beautiful. We just love him." P.R.
"Benny is doing very well. He's a healthy,
happy puppy who goes in for his 16 week shots next week. My vet was really taken with him. She thinks he's pretty
cute. So far I've left his name at Benny. I've thought of a few other names but Benny seems to fit. He and
Jordy, spoiled Golden, are getting along very well. They drink from the same bowl and spend a lot of time playing
together." S.A.
Update 9/13/07: Here are a couple of pics of Calli and Blue. Blue is such a sweetheart.
I am extremely happy with both him and Calli. These pictures are from earlier this summer. It seems like Blue
has grown more just in the last couple of weeks. I weighed Calli and him last week, and he already weighs just about
what she weighs. He's already taller than she is.
UPDATE:"I just wanted to update you on the puppy. We ended up naming him Blue.
He is doing really great. Calli and him just love each other. He is quite the snuggler. I am again very
happy with him, just as I am of Calli. Both of them are such great dogs. Calli really took to him, just as if
he were her own puppy." T.E.
"Just thought I would let you know how the puppy
is doing. He is a real little sweetheart. He has been a joy to housebreak because he let's us know when he needs
to go outside. There have been very few puppy accidents. He is quiet at night with a minimum of whining.
We have been taking him with us while we are working the sheep and he has been showing interest, and it doesn't
look like he is arfaid of them. I think he will be a wonderful addition to our operation." K.H.
UPDATE 3/23/09: Congrats on the new litter. I sure
wish I was ready for another pup. Maybe the next litter, if there will be more. I certainly would like another pup out of
Bear. Blue is one of the sweetest dogs I have ever seen. He is good with all kids, not just ours. He puts up with quite
a bit from them as well. Blue is getting better with the herding. We took him out on the river with us last year and he LOVED
Update 12/20/07: I took
this picture of Blue yesterday, he is so pretty. I can't say enough nice things about the big sweetheart. I don't think he
has a mean bone in his body, although he thinks he does when he's in with the cows. He is doing really well. Joe can crawl
all over him and Blue just rolls over on his back with Joe sitting on top of him. Tony and Blue are always playing tug of
war, in the middle of the house of course. Blue loves being right in the middle of our circus. Anyhow, just wanted
to say thanks again for the wonderful companion, and happy holidays!
Update: 7/17/07: I took this picture of Blue this morning, and I thought I'd share it with you. He sure is a pretty boy. He is so mellow also, most people don't believe that he is
a puppy. We took him camping for a week and he was tied which he is not used to and he did great! He got to sleep in the camper
which he thought was pretty cool. We set a pallet up in the shed for the boys to climb on the round bales and Blue started
climbing it with them, just like Bear does. I'll send you a picture of that. Hope you're enjoying the summer, and I'll send
you pic's periodically.
"Blue is doing great.
He and Luke have been spending a lot of time outside together. He is right on Luke's heels wherever he goes. Yesterday Blue
laid by the fence and seemed to be studying the cows, so he is getting interested in them. He is pretty smart. He is outside
most of the time now with it nicer. He likes his crate though. Just wanted to say hi and let you know he's such a sweetie."
UPDATE 4/18/07: Calli is doing great. We enjoy her so much. She's turned out to be a wonderful addition. She is a beautiful dog. I
would like to eventually get another one. "Calli is doing really good. She seemed
like she adapted very well. She's such a good puppy. In the mornings she is designated as my son's alarm clock.
All I have to do is put her up on the bed and she wakes him up in no time. It's pretty funny to watch. I've been taking
her to work with me everyday. Everyone there really enjoys her. It's really funny when we walk in the door, she knows
just where to go to get to my desk. She knows her way around really well. I take her pretty much everywhere I
go." T.E.
UPDATE 4/15/07: Ryder is very independent but still loves
attention. He is very loyal and likes to join me in whatever Im doing. I cant believe how smart he is, he learns so
quickly and is eager to please. One of my favorite things to do with Ryder is play fetch and especially Frisbee.
I get complements all the time on his coat and rich brown eyes. Im so glad I got Ryder and he is the most amazing
dog. "The puppy is doing great. He is everything I hoped for and more. He was so
well behaved, on the ride back and hardly complained at all. He has not had an accident yet and already recognizes his
name and is starting to come and sit." B.J.
Update 3/30/07: "Words can't describe what a wonderful addition Sully
has been to our family. From Halloween when we picked him up he has filled our home with love and affection. We
couldn't have found a better play buddy for our 4 year old daughter Marki. He is gentle and has never ever nipped at
her like puppies do. He goes everywhere with us, he sits next to Marki's car seat and puts his head in her lap.
Sully makes his home as a house dog, we frequently take him to my Uncle's farm to run, and he loves to fetch sticks from the
pond. We get compliments on his appearance when ever we take him for a walk. Our dog obedience instructor asked us where
we found such a quality Aussie. He is willing to please in obedience class and at home. I was amazed
at how fast he learned things. He responds to our daughter when she gives him the hand signals for “sit”
and “down”. He hasn’t expressed any aggression to other dogs or people. He is the
neighborhood dog buddy. He does have a protective nature when strangers knock at the door. One time when Marki
was wrestling around as kids do, Sully stood between Marki and the other child to protect Marki. He was easy to house train,
I can only recall one time he ever went into the house. We put a wind chime on the front door; he walks up and rings
it when he needs to go out. I think guarding our family, playing ball and getting belly rubs has become his job. We
are looking for someone in our area that instructs agility courses. He is a born jumper and learns quickly." K.M.
"The puppy is wonderful! She's a lot of fun and we are enjoying her very much!"
UPDATE 2/27/07: a quote... For the price that the
Butler's are asking for these pups you can't go wrong. Zeb,
being under a year will sit, stay, heal, come, down, and always one step behind me, or in front looking back for directions.
Because of Zeb, he has saved our hides several times when our calves (44 head) had gotten out. He stood between the house
and barn barking feverishly until we came out to see what was wrong. He helped us, my husband on the ground, me on horse back,
put the calves back with little to no direction. He knew "pen 'em" was said, and that was it, Zeb is not our dog, he is a
member of a team here. He also works our pigs, helps us sort, and watches gates. ALL UNDER A YEAR. funny thing is neither
one of us have had formal training, nor have we read any books!!!!.. (At only 9 weeks old) -"You need to e mail those people that are interested in the pups and say that Zeb is
already trying to heal!! I about fell over last night when he helped me lock up a calf, he barked jumped up at the hocks,
didn't try to bite, so I said pen 'em, and good dog Zeb, that'll do ..LOL. I knew i would fall in love with his
kind, but did not expect him to be like he is already. He will also head a bit already wich is great!! He and I are learning
to gether, and he is quick to learn. In the horse world it is nice to have one that is self taught, and Zeb does have the
brains for it! " A.S.
"Here is our puppy... He's had a blast yesterday & today with his first REAL snow. We
had him at a puppy class in RC & he did some agility tests with flying colors. He's SO into herding. He's great with the
cows and I love his help there. We adore him. I just wanted to let you know he's the best." J.M.
"Just letting you know the puppy is doing great all of us just love him he's such a good
puppy. Since we've had him he's never had an accident in the house he just seems to know he shouldn't. He comes to the barn
with me and my husband everytime and he's doing great always get him to help get heifers and cows in or out and
he stays right beside me as we're chasing them, he seems to mind very well already still need to work on the leash part though.
He's already fetching things and bringing them back, he already sits only took a few times and he does it everytime now.
He likes riding and even goes on the four wheeler with us seems to really like it. So just letting you know that we're very
very happy with him, I still want to say thank you for being patient with me trying to decide on which one to pick but I'm
very happy with my choice but I think any of them would be good." C.H.
"We love our puppy!! He is so smart, we taught him "sit" and "down" already & he's only
10 wks old!" J.M.